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There are types of adult incontinence are only temporary and results of certain medical conditions. The good thing is that if the disease has been treated, the problem of urinary went with him. However, there are persistent urinary incontinence, which can be very stubborn and frustrating as it continues to go without notice that.
Chronic incontinence can result from one or two of the following problems:
* Pregnancy andBirth - Stress incontinence can be experienced by women due to hormonal changes and the increasing weight of the uterus. weaken the stress of vaginal delivery may also bladder and pelvic floor muscles that control urine flow rate and how to help. May develop soon after birth or years later.
* Aging - Aging is a factor that people lose control of their urine. With age, their body functions can slow or weaken. This is particularlytrue in relation to the bladder area as well. But as is always a case to case, not every person can suffer from aging. Older women have a higher risk of developing urinary incontinence, because the thinning and drying of the skin of the vagina after menopause are factors that the very possibility of problems with the urethra and bladder increased estrogen keeps the coating in good health . With less estrogen, these tissues have difficulty controlling the urineback.
* Hysterectomy - the bladder and uterus (womb) of women are close together. Therefore, they are supported by almost the same bands, and muscles. The removal of the uterus or a transaction with a woman reproductive system, can do much damage to the area of the pelvic floor muscles, incontinence results.
* The painful bladder syndrome - a rare disease characterized by inflammation of the walls of the bladder associated causes incontinence products (and very painfulAnd urination). This affects more women than men, although the exact cause is still unclear.
* Prostatitis - although not a frequent symptom of prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate, urinary incontinence sometimes occur in men with this condition. The prostate is surrounded by a urethra, which is a swelling of the prostate, blocking the normal flow of urine. However, this is seldom causes incontinence.
* Enlarged prostate - Ion Men's forty and over are vulnerable towith enlarged prostate. And since the prostate, the urethra in the area, which can block the flow of urine. Unlike prostatitis, an enlarged prostate gland can cause incontinence.
* Prostate Cancer-More often than not, adult incontinence is an important side effect of prostate cancer treatment (radiation or surgery).
Constipation can block * - have a tumor in the urinary tract and stop the normal flow of urine. This leads to overflow incontinence. Correction of the urinary tractIncontinence surgery can lead to urinary stasis and a greater loss of urine.
* In the nervous system and neurological disorders can interfere with nerve signals that the bladder and urinary flow. Therefore, diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stroke and some brain tumors can cause persistent incontinence.
It 's always advisable to have a full medical examination to determine the cause of your incontinence.
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