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Enjoy essential oils and make your recipes that give you the goods to be supplied quickly and easily.
With only 5 essential oils - to keep costs down, but not the low quality products for your use. I have never threatened the effectiveness of these recipes, if not included with five of their work.
Has cost less - Reducing the number of oils and combines them with common household ingredients you can spend less, waste less and are able to make it as you wantit.
Simple recipes - making the recipes simple and easy to follow, you can save time with money.
It 'was amazing how simple, yet effective these products and how to make it easy and save, or fast when you need it. They are great for you, your family and waiting for low-cost gifts that the smell (and) one million dollars.
If you love natural chemical free products, then this article is for you. If you want to save, thenThis article is definitely for you.
If you love your products, you'll love simple recipes, step by step.
Even though I've never mixed a product before this article was designed to provide simple instructions and all necessary information to make their products.
There are some great recipes in each of these sections
• Household cleaning products
• First aid and common ailments
• relaxation and stress reduction
• Skin Care
• Hair Care
• Gift Ideas
When we first decided to recipes with fewer oils we tested three, four, five six fragrances, and found that five oils give you more versatility and the best value for money to create.
The selection of essential oils we have our tried and tested until we found the best thing for -
• Value for Money - Why oil prices, if one is more convenient to work equally well
• Essential oils versatility - that oils have many advantages andCustoms
• Essential oils properties - the oils most extensive range or properties and the best work with our body and the environment
• Simplicity - more commonly known oils
• Convenient - easy to find oil, so you do not have to search for them
Essential oils 5
Here is a brief summary of the five essential oils are used to create this full article
Before Lavender
According Geranium
Third Lemon
Fourth Chamomile
Fifth TeaTree
Lavender oil - the famous lavender essential oil is more, if only ever buy an essential oil of lavender. And 'in all sections of the Essential 5 uses. This amazing oil is one of the most useful of all essential oils. Antiseptic properties include lavender, soothing, anti-toxic, burns, sedative, tonic, deodorant, just to name a few, and fits well with most other oils. This is to fill the oil for perfumes and is veryIt is well known that the flavor.
Essential Oil Geranium - Geranium has a strong aroma with hints of herbs like Rose. This great all-round essential oil has therapeutic properties as an astringent, antiseptic, anti-depressant, tonic, antibiotic, and anti-infective agent. Help against motion sickness, helps with irritation, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis are linked.
lemon essential oil - Well known for its clean, refreshing, has highanti-bacterial properties. Skin and hair, can be used for its cleaning effect, and for its antiseptic properties, and how refreshing and cooling. Lemon can help you with the ability to concentrate. The strong smell is clean commonly associated with cleanliness.
Chamomile Essential Oils - It 's useful in the treatment of pain in muscles and joints. Treat the symptoms of PMS with Chamomile is also useful, especially if symptoms are relatedstress. It took a long tradition in herbal medicine and the flowers were in many cures including an herbal tea used during World War II. The strong smell of chamomile tea is fruity, herbaceous and perfect for children and people with sensitive skin.
Tea Tree Essential Oil - most of us have used or own this oil at some point in time. It 'used in two sections and is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. Can help prevent infectious diseases. Used as part of a Inhalation iscan help with colds, measles, sinusitis and viral infections. For skin and hair, Tea Tree has been used for acne, to fight oily skin, dandruff and lice.
The cost advantages of using essential oils
The main advantage of using essential oils if you are their products, which are a bit 'a long way.
In general you can buy your oils in 17ml, 15ml, 12ml or 6 ml bottles, and everyone gets a 20 ml ml drops which means your 15, you get 300 drops and its 12You will receive 240 ml drops.
With several products only 10 drops or more, you can now see a little ', goes a long way.
Therefore, it is an inexpensive way to make your own mix to create. Simply changing the volume and mixture of oil and commodities you can do many products with only a few oils.
I like that I can do some 'product I've used all the time and I can only make enough for a product if I want to use it for one, forFor example, if my son's warts I had half a bottle per application and instructions for two weeks and I'm not used to use it.
While I always deodorant and cleaner available for all uses as an antiseptic and Cream Bath Bombs, (ideal for laying in the bathtub with children irritable).
Add Product Base
Add a few large base of your products and come away. Connected to basic products with essential oils for household goods and giftware ishas been used for centuries with records, using as far back as ancient Rome and Egypt, Greece and India.
commodities ranging from common everyday products - baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), soap, salt, vinegar and cream vitamin V, Aloe Vera, eggs, along with many other ingredients commonly used.
With the understanding that the base oils and their products have properties (attributes, characteristics or capacity) allows the range of recipes and products that you create can expandCombination of oil and essential characteristics of the commodity.
Household Cleaning
Some people enjoy cleaning, some people like cleaning, some tolerate it, and some do it because "it must be done:" I'm somewhere Between tolerate and "must be done," is certainly no love in the area. Put on some music pack, boys, hold my great products and get done.
I want products that work, I will have to repeat them. So when I products that are effectivenatural, chemical-free and smell divine, then this is a bonus.
• Deodorant - Deodorant room, drawing, curtain air freshener
• All Purpose Cleaner - every room in your house needs an abrasive, stoves, showers, refrigerators, air conditioners, toilets, benches, bowls, trays, microwave
• Baking Soda Shaker - general-purpose abrasive round, stainless steel, shoes - Odour
• Spray vinegar - antibacterial surface cleaners, shiny chrome car, car sprayWindow for them frost free, clean glasses must for the blue bottle jellyfish stings and lifted the fruit stains from hands away from the hands smell of onion
Deodorant Spray
250 ml spray
15 drops of essential oils as below (a mixture of suggestions)
250 ml boiled (chilled) water
To refresh and deodorize your home, not to mask odors, eliminate them. Each of the following compounds are great for creating your own air freshener, with the mixture afterNeeds.
Shake Mix 10-10 drops of essential oil in a bottle of water and good. Shake before using.
Blend suggestions:
People Welcome - Welcome to your home, calls for peace in the memories of many people.
Lavender - 15 drops
Subject - mixtures, suitable for any space refreshes the air and contains antibacterial properties.
Lavender - 8 drops, 4 drops lemon 3 drops of geranium
Bloom - Ideal for kitchen and cooking eliminates odors.
6 drops of lavender,5 drops lemon, 4 drops of tea tree oil
Odor Ease - remove the unpleasant smell associated with bathrooms and laundries
10 drops lemon 3 drops of chamomile, lavender, 2 drops
Other uses -
• Ironing aid - spray directly on clothes and iron
• Room Deodorant - Elimination of unpleasant odors and stale
• Tent Deodorant - Spray directly to the curtains and warm from the sun to enhance the beautiful natural essential oil aromas.
Bicarbonate SHAKER
GreatSalt shaker
can penetrate the salt shaker or a large bottle of talcum powder or container (glass) with holes in the lid are used. If baking is required as an abrasive, can be used alone, built with surface spray or all purpose cleaner for the extra distance to dirt. Simple and practical that I'm in a box and poured it seems less dust is uniformly distributed.
Other uses -
• Kids - is sprayed with this love - Shake the surface with vinegarwatch it fizz allow children to clean the Bank and the love sparkling sensation on your fingers - cleaning fun!
• Stainless steel - cleans and removes rust stains smaller
• Odor Eliminator - shoes, carpets and pet areas
All Purpose Cleanser
Sauce 250ml (spray) bottle
140 ml boiled (hot) water
60 ml vinegar
50 ml of soap or detergent
2 tablespoons baking soda
10 drops of lemon essential oil
5 drops of lavender essential oil
5 drops of teaTree Essential Oil
A wonderful All Purpose Cleaner, which can be used throughout the budget. Heavier spray surface with a mild soap and abrasive quality to remove grease build. This cleaner is antibacterial, antiseptic and cleansing.
MIX - Mix this mixture into a glass bowl or jar, cool and pour into bottle.
Pour in half with warm water add baking soda, stir until dissolved,
Add vinegar to the mix of vinegar 2:01 (2:01 quantity, rinse and allow mixturelow, add more vinegar) and add liquid soap, stir until blended. Add essential oils and pour the remaining warm water. Mix well to cool before use.
Other uses -
• Benches - cleaning of all surfaces with a mild abrasive
• Refrigerators - to smell fresh and sparkling clean look
• Showers and baths eliminate - helps build
• Cups conditioners - ideal for removing coffee stains
• Drawers - Removes dirt and marks
• microwave cleans -inside and outside
Vinegar Spray
250 ml spray
250 ml vinegar
A mixture of pure vinegar can be used alone or part of a cleaning system may be used. This spray is ideal for cleaning mirrors, glass and windows, and for use with baking soda for cleaning.
Other uses -
• Polish car chrome
• Spray the windows are free of frost
• clean glasses
• Must have for jellyfish, blue bottle stings
• Remove fruit stains from hands
• Removesonion odor from hands
First aid and common ailments
Create a first aid kit and more frequent complaints handling is a great way to see the benefits of using essential oils.
Essential oils bring their therapeutic benefits on the body, because they are absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin or lungs. The aromatic scents that create a strong and positive effect on welfare. Since the essential oils into the bloodstream, take their powers of healingPart of the body that need it most.
With the first aid and common ailments, you will on a period of time to find more products that use regularly, and this will bring even more benefits for you and your family.
Antiseptic cream
50 ml dark glass
43 ml cream base
20 drops (1 ml) of essential oil of lavender
15 drops of essential oil of geranium
15 drops Tea Tree Essential Oils
help using this mixture in the antiseptic treatmentCuts and wounds. Use directly on the wound and cover with a bandage or adhesive plaster for faster healing.
MIX: Into fill spoon cream jar Base 3.2 add essential oils in the mix with a spoon, fill pot and remixes.
BURN GEL, mild
50 ml glass
Aloe Vera Gel 43 ml
40 (2 ml) drops of lavender essential oil
10 drops of essential oils of chamomile
Immediately apply cold water to the area of surface water run for about 10 minutes.
For small areas a few dropsLavender (NEAT) directly from the bottle, in territory which is followed by an ideal ice pack.
For large areas mix are top (I've always done in the refrigerator), as is even better if you mix aloe vera gel is cold. Apply a clean gauze and cover with ice. Consult your doctor immediately severe burns.
to fill MIX: Into glass spoon in Aloe Vera Gel 3.2 of the pot add essential oils to mix with a spoon, fill pot and remixes.
Chapped lips
10 ml dark glass orContainer
Aloe Vera Gel 10ml
6 drops of essential oil of geranium
4 drops of essential oils of chamomile
Apply regularly to his lips moist and smooth.
to fill MIX: Into glass spoon in Aloe Vera Gel 3.2 of the pot add essential oils to mix with a spoon, fill pot and remixes.
Cold Sores
10 ml glass
Aloe Vera Gel 10 ml
4 drops of essential oil of geranium
3 drops Tea Tree Essential Oils
2 drops of essential oils of chamomile
1 drop of lavenderEssential Oils
This mixture can help reduce the severity of cold sores. Applied when the tingling starts, (if possible, to avoid the formation of cold sores), or directly to the sore to help keep moist and promote healing of inflammation.
to fill MIX: Into glass spoon in Aloe Vera Gel 3.2 of the pot add the essential oils, mix with spoon, glass and fill remix
10 ml bottle glass
10 ml of base oil
10 drops of essential oilsunder
MIX: 10 drops of lavender
Support for the relief of headaches. Inhale directly from the bottle, especially before leaving the bed in the morning. Massage on pulse points, wrists, neck and forehead and temples. Drop 50-10 drops in a bath or shower can be used in oil burners.
Mix: Pour the oil in a glass bottle base, add essential oils and shake well.
Time to relax, you have got to be joking. I've heard over and over andI know it's hard to go through my own products I could relax and I wanted to fit my mood changes, they adapt. For example, I would like different oils for relaxation, sleep, stress, or mediation.
5 drops of lavender 3 drops Chamomile, 2 drops of geranium
4 drops geranium, 2 drops Chamomile, 2 drops lavender 2 drops lemon
Calm Down Stress Buster BLEND
7 drops of chamomile, 3Drops of lavender
100% pure essential oil blend
15 ml bottle glass
15 ml Essential Oil (mix)
Create a blend of essential oils provides a synergy of oils. This means that the combined benefits of oil is higher than his individual oils. Remember, 100% essential oil blend is not for use on your body, there must be a dilute mixture of body experience. 100% 100% blend of essential oils are ideal for oil burners, foot spas, baths, inhalations, humidifiers, and speakersMediation.
MIX to add a total drop of each essential oil to shake the bottle as mixed.
10% mixtures of essential oils
15 ml bottle glass
30 drops (1.5 ml) Essential oils (mix)
13.5 ml of base oil
Create a blend of essential oils provides a synergy of oils. Blending with base oil allows versatility for applications in the body. 10% fragrances are ideal for pulse-point or quick reference, wraps, candles, directApplication, showers and inhalation.
Bath salts
200 grams of Epson salts
20 drops of essential oil (mix)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon of food coloring or herbs or flowers for dyeing
Combines the features of this amazing natural product to create a bath product that is simple and effective. Add your essential oils, depending on the mood and desires and can fluctuate worries away.
Mix: to move in Epson salts and bicarbonate, the color of the product(If necessary) and mix well then add essential oils to mix again.
Body Oil
100 ml bottle glass
100 drops (5 ml) Essential oils (mix)
95 ml of base oil
The recipe you use the large oil if you prefer to use body oil instead of a moisturizer. The body is ideal for giving the skin looks smooth and is ideal for dry skin, or sin in adverse climates, where even the fairest skin tends to dry out. ApplyWhole body, because right after Bad to the skin is still moist and dry gently.
One of the advantages of its products for skin care is definitely the money, but if you really see the benefits in the state of your skin.
When I started my own products I noticed my skin has the benefits of essential oils and high quality products based on and making it seem much better.
What I found was that I do not respond in some way in mixtures, asNo chemicals to irritate the skin. If mixture seems too strong on my skin I only have the basic product in order to reduce the strength of it, that mixture easier. I found the perfect solution for young people, when they started with their products, as usually gave a tendency to severe with products and their skin is particularly sensitive (hormonal). I thought it was an ideal solution and, in time, if the product does not do justice to their business (ie not felt a strong feeling) I have then rise againup to the original mixture relationships.
Normal Skin - Normal Skin usually looks flat, with a healthy sheen. And 'soft, smooth and clear, if the stigma is (is one in an occasional).
Mixed skin - the most common type of skin combination skin, usually dry cheeks and the area from chin to forehead and then my whole face is oily (T-zones
Acne - Acne skin needs to be treated with aantibacterial cream for acne as a moisturizer and smooths skin and helps reduce blemishes. Always consult a doctor with severe acne, as often as an internal imbalance that needs to be corrected to help the healing of the outer skin.
Sensitive Skin - oils for sensitive skin can all be different from the skin when the manufacture of products for sensitive skin than half the essential use in the recipe.
Using the right essential oilsdifferent skin types
Normal skin - lavender, geranium, lemon and chamomile
Fat - lavender, tea tree, chamomile and geranium
Combination - lavender, lemon, geranium and chamomile
Acne - lavender, geranium, tea tree and lemon
100 ml bottle glass
100 drops (5 ml) of essential oil
Mix 95 ml of liquid soap
Proposed Mixture
Normal to oily skin types and acne
60 drops (3 ml) Lavender, 40 drops (2 ml) lemon essential oils
Dry andCombination Skin
60 drops (3 ml) Lavender, 40 drops (2 ml) Geranium Essential Oils
Massage on face and neck and wash with warm water and cloth (cotton or cloth). You need to clean 2-3 times to remove all oil and dirt from the skin. Rinse again, the sound, Pat dry and moisturize.
MIX: Pour mix into the liquid in the bottle to add to your essential oils and shake well. For infants and children under two years, half the amount of essentialOils.
100ml glass bottle
40 drops (2 ml) lavender essential oil
5 ml of vinegar
93 ml of water
The cotton wool and gently wipe from the face
MIX: with water and vinegar into the bottle and then add the essential oil, mix thoroughly. used Shake well before each use, as no dispersant (ingredient is found in commercial products, to keep the products of separation)
REPORT: 100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oils: 95 ml cream base
100 mlJug
100 drops (5 ml) essential oil blend (bottom)
95 ml cream base
Blend tips
DR = Drop
Normal skin
30 Lavender Dr, 30 Dr Geranium, Lemon DR 20, dr 20 Chamomile
Geranium Dr 40, 25 Lavender Dr., 25 Dr. Tea Tree, Chamomile 10 dr
Dry Skin
35 dr Lemon, 35 Lavender Dr, 20 Dr geranium, chamomile DR 15
Combination Skin
30 Lavender Dr, Lemon Dr. 30, 20 DR Chamomile, 20 Tea Tree Dr.
Acne Skin
35 drops of teaTree, 25 Dr. Lavender, Geranium Dr 20, 20 dr Lemon
After cleansing and toning is necessary to add back the moisture of the skin (including fat) every day with this mixture applied before make-up or as part of the morning / evening skin care ritual.
MIX: Into fill spoon cream jar Base 3.2 add essential oils, mix with a spoon, glass and fill remix
His "coronation" is an important part of your appearance and your confidence. If your hair isoily, messy or dead, no matter how well you dress the presentation lacks the finesse "to seek together." Why do you think there is the term "bad hair day."
I thought I could change this with the right products, and much effort, but I decided to natural alternatives, which was not to break the bank and help you find the hair without filling it full of chemicals.
Her hair is usually classified into account the right products are used. Hair may be normal, oily, dry, damaged andShed. Can the type of hair, from a look at this in a good light and realized that to tell some different aspects.
Normal Hair - frizz gloss polished and with little or no
greasy hair tents - to have an accumulation of fat, looks dull and lifeless
Dry hair - usually frizzy and brittle, dry and looks messy
Damaged hair - one of the above combined with elasticity and lack of simple fracture
Shed- Bows found on the scalp and can be caught on clothing
Correctly use essential oils for different skin types
Normal - lavender, chamomile, lemon, geranium
Fat - lavender, chamomile, geranium, tea tree
Dry - lavender, geranium, chamomile, lemon
Damaged - lavender, chamomile, geranium, tea tree
Dandruff lavender, chamomile, lemon, tea tree
Natural Shampoo
200ml bottle
200 ml of liquid soap Mix (see recipe for soap)
30 dropsEssential oils, as follows
Blend tips
DR = drops
The daily use for normal hair
10 DR lavender, chamomile 8 Dr 6, Dr Lemon, 6 dr Geranium
Oily hair
DR 10 Geranium, 8 dr chamomile, lavender six Dr., Dr. Tea Tree 6
Dry Hair
10 drops of chamomile, lemon drops 8, 6 dr Geranium, Lavender 6 dr
10 DR Chamomile, Geranium 10 dr, 5, Dr. Tea Tree, Lavender 5 dr
DR 10 Tea Tree, 8 dr chamomile, lavender Dr 6, 6 drLemon
This recipe gives you a starting point for all your shampoo mix. For infants and children under two years, half the amount of essential oils.
If you do not want to create your own base of natural baby shampoo shampoo to buy, without added flavors. It will foam so when you wash with this shampoo because it added propellant, so do not worry, her hair was always clean the same.
MIX: Pour mix into the liquid in the bottle, add this to your essential oils and shakegood.
200 ml bottle
47 ml of base oil
Boiled 1 cup (hot)
20 drops (1 ml) Chamomile Essential Oils
Massage into the hair, can wash more than two - three minutes.
This recipe gives you a starting point for all of your air conditioner colleague. If you do not want to create your own air conditioner using a soft natural conditioner (conditioner buy child) without the addition of flavorings.
MIX: hot water, add essential oil and then add the mixture of base oil(Shake thoroughly). The ingredients of this mixture can be separated, since no dispersing agent was used (chemical mixtures used to take away from the store bought products to hold in), shake well before using to remix the ingredients.
Hot oil treatment
REPORT: 20 drops of essential oil: 100 ml of base oil
100 ml bottle
10 drops lemon
99 ml of base oil
Pour about a tablespoon (2 tablespoons for long hair) in small bowl and heat in microwave or hot water bath method until (not boiling)Pour into palm and massage through another tablespoon of hair, if necessary, to give a better coverage covers the hair.
Wrap hair in plastic wrap (or plastic bag or shower cap) and then a towel wrapped around this is to keep heat in the granting of additional benefits for your attention.
Let us act on the hair for 20-30 minutes. Rinse and style as usual (if you see your hair is oily, you can shampoo and condition your hair).
MIX: To give your hair a nice revitalizing treatment, mixingthe base oil with essential oils and shake well.
You love giving gifts, I love high quality gifts that you know that damage to love?
I like making gifts and generally get to use everything to my friends and family and appreciate, it is sometimes difficult, especially when the type of person who really has everything you need.
I have over the years that people receive gifts handmade exceptionally foundwell and I think this is because in today's world, where you can buy almost anything you want and the people, the more "stuff", a beautiful handmade gift that can be seen, time and effort to do, meaning they can be taken appreciated .
Another advantage of the gifts of essential oils, even if they are handmade can see and feel expensive and high quality. I remember what some bath salts and also the person who is very happy about it, but fewDays later I receive a phone call to say how wonderful bath salts, which are used on products other than in the past and she could use more (I gave the recipe).
That touch has always been present your gifts in elegant boxes and packaging that looks like a million.
Bath bombs
160 grams of baking
40 grams of citric acid
20 drops of essential oil (mix)
1 tablespoon of base oil
1 teaspoon of food coloring or herbs or flower petals forColoring
The combination of bicarbonate natural effervescence of body and mind alive with the wonderful qualities of pure essential oils, bath bombs that help the body and mind and fun for the whole family to create.
MIX: Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl, add 5 drops of essential oils at a time and mix well and then add the base oil. If necessary, add more oil base, you should hold the mix together in a basic form. Press mixture to shape and possibility (2 or 3 hours).Press and store in an airtight container.
Bathtubs, bath feet
Oil bath - Dissolution
200 ml bottle
100 ml (5 ml) Essential oils (mix)
30 ml of base oil
160 ml of vodka
Love Oil and spas and the way in which it gives moisture to the skin and relaxed, but not the oil ring, how about bath oil without the oil ring.
This mixture is almost completely dissolved in bathwater. A bit 'goes a long way to go not into the sea. ComplementYour bathroom and discover the flavors of relaxation and stress reduction.
MIX: essential oils and vodka, stirring the mixture slowly, stirring all the drops of essential oil to disperse. Let the mixture for 2-3 days (in a cool dark place) and then add water. Let the mixture for 2-3 days (in a cool dark place), then you can (you can use all at once, but for a better product this time line is important).
Bath salts
200 grams of Epson salts
20Drops of essential oil (mix)
1 teaspoon baking soda
Place is clear glass with tape and label impress your friends.
1 teaspoon of food coloring or herbs or flowers for dyeing
Combines the features of this amazing natural product to create a bath product that is simple and effective.
Mix: to move in Epson salts and bicarbonate color of the product (if necessary) and mix well then add essential oils to mix again.
As you can see the world, aromatherapy and essential oils with amazing and different. I like that you create your own products as simple as that and adjust it to your likes and dislikes.
With essential oils and natural products can do for you, your family and friends is a great way to save money and benefit the therapeutic properties simultaneously.