Fetus Development and Weight Gain Control - Mother's Anxiety Monday, May 24, 2010

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Copious Questions (Week 11 to Week 16)

Everyday, I ask my husband these questions: Is the baby healthy? Is she (till I found out about the gender of my baby, I'm just going to call her, she) still there? What is she doing, I cannot feel her, is she fine? And my husband, tirelessly, would assure me that, yes, the baby is fine, look! I can hear her... *gurgle, gurgle* ... See! She is fine. Can I see her? Can I hear her? I asked every day. My husband, tirelessly, would shake his head. No baby, we will do that on our appointed days with the doctor. That is how it goes. I do not think I am the only pregnant mum who is not worried about what the baby is doing in the stomach. If I can, I would like very much to see her or listen to her. I asked a friend, a physician assistant, is that normal?
Absolutely, she told me. Of course, we want to hear the baby's heartbeat... thump, thump, thump, thump... of course, we want to see the baby on the screen, doing whatever she is doing. That is the difference between man and woman. Man gets comfortable and let the baby do its things, cheers, babe! But woman, well... woman wants to know, look, look, look... it is the baby! Look at the head! Look at the hand and the feet!!! Thump, thump, thump... oh my God... is that the heart beat? Oh wow... wow!!! We, women, get excited, and sometimes, we cry.
I had my week 14 follow-up check last Friday. We waited for the doctor (Lisa, my physician assistant, has been away) for about an hour, we were excited. I was excited. Today's follow-up visit is to check the heartbeat, to listen to it. Yes, yes, yes... I do want to listen. In he came, set up the electronic stethoscope and the room fell silent. Yes... I think there is the heartbeat there. Yes... possibly mine? Two heads, my husband and the doctor's, disagreed. No... it is way too down to be your heartbeat. And it is beating fast... ok, that is it, let us wrap it up!
What, what, what? But it was less than 5 seconds! I want to hear more... I screamed, in my head, of course. We dully followed the doctor out of the room, and scheduled for the next  appointment, four weeks later. This time, it would be the ultrasound! Hooray!!!! Finally. I was told to drink 32oz of water, and hold the pee for an hour for the ultrasound. Ok, I hope I can do that, my husband suggested I wear an adult diaper. Thanks. But I cannot wait... I might actually see the gender of my baby. I am definitely counting the days.