No Place for the elderly Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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I got into a conversation with a friend who works in a care facility. Your task is to ensure that residents follow their specialized nutrition plans. For example, some residents are not permitted in rooms, while others mixed to eat meals.

My friend told me about a dish, the food was returned to the kitchen yesterday. He returned with all his food, because the resident had died.

I shared a similar story with my friend. Many years ago, Iprovided our local paper the morning for additional revenue. My last stop was a structure of care. On average, each day I had ten participants.

Nearly every month, I would at least have a subscription to the term structure of care. canceled subscriptions often meant that a resident had died.

Sometimes I felt moments of sadness. Although I did not know them personally, I knew their names.

To me this is a journal paper only for residents ... meant more.

Populationlooks forward to their paper, because it was their main link to news from the outside world.

For residents in a care facility, newspapers and trays are a way of life.
I told my friend that we still care profile as a place of work and nothing.

For people who live there, is at home.

Most people know the structure of care is their ultimate goal. After living a full life, travel will not last long weekend or a holiday in which hisBeach.

I have heard people express their fear aging. To combat the aging process, people spend millions of dollars in plastic surgery, creams, drugs and everything else to get their youth.

Ask anyone care and will tell you who do not live in one. They believe that the cure is simply a place for the old, a place for people to die ... to enjoy being young and life seems miles away from the greeting of death in a wheelchair orSurvival on food blended.

Nobody sees a diaper, wearing dentures or suffering from Alzheimer's. We do not know what the future brings. Our health can to a point where we will not be able to take care of ourselves we want to move down in a assisted care facility.

For now, if you have good health and live at home, you should have some time to thank your Creator.