Taking the stairs is a safe place for the elderly Sunday, May 23, 2010

Image : http://www.flickr.com

As a way to improve safety and reduce the risk of falls by the elderly, most experts recommend is to find ways to make safer stairs. Of course, all areas of the house are to be addressed, but the scales often present the greatest danger to an elder. If the stairs can be very serious to find ways to prevent, while full access to a home is essential.

One of the first steps to make sure the ladder is fully consider and assess the overall state ofdown the stairs. Many fall through the stairs are not safe, resulting in the determination of the actual security level is very important.

One of the most important things to consider is the uniformity of the scales. Many older scales may have slight differences between the level of individual phases. It may also be differences in the surface of each step. In general, she wants the procedure, at least 11 cm deep, and then assess whether the depthtoo.

As the size of steps, it is important to check their condition. If steps are tilted or lose, this may increase the risk of a fall. Extremely slippery steps can be dangerous, which is made even more dangerous when they are in an area where they could bathe. For the outer scale, we want to ensure you have a good gutter system is in place, so that the water from the roof does not drain directly to the stairs.

handrail system is also very goodimportant. These not only provide additional support as an individual is on the stairs, but also provide a place that can be packaged as a senior fall, fall to hopefully prevent that. Loose railings or handrails that are too large can be easily compressed, even the stairs are more dangerous.

A good rule of thumb is that the railing should not be around 6.25 inches. This can easily grasped by most people. They also want to avoid raw orsharp rails, which could be painful to use. If possible two-rail system is the best choice.

The safety scale is an important consideration and fixing problems can significantly reduce the risk of a fall. It 's also very important for the elderly the ability to assess the scale. Many times, due to arthritis or other mobility disorders, the stairs would not be possible. It may be painful or affected in case of cognitive disorders couldis not possible for the elderly to maintain balance on an up or down the stairs.

stairlifts are usually used in cases where the elderly person does not use the stairs. Stairlifts are devices that can be connected directly to the stairs and are used for the top up or down to bring down the stairs. This fact explains the higher the stairs alone and can greatly reduce the risk of a fall.

It 's also very important to consider other areasHome, which could be dangerous. Loose rugs, wet floors, and improper lighting are all factors that may increase the risk of a fall.