Stressed Over Loosing sleep another night? - The truth about sleep and aging Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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Become stressed and worried about losing sleep last night can affect your health. The truth is that our quality of sleep affects how we age. A good sleep is important for the rejuvenation of the body and restore physical and mental health. quality of sleep allows our body to cellular damage from our daily activities and overcome work to strengthen our immune system, helping your body fight infection and disease.

a good night's sleep is also responsible for our mentalClarity, concentration, and our mood.

a good night's sleep includes 5 different levels in a normal sleep cycle. These steps are of a light sleep (stage 1) for a deep sleep (stage 4). Then there is the 5th Stage, Rapid Eye Movement sleep. During this period of sleep, our eyes move rapidly, our pulse, respiration increases and even our brain wave activity. This is the bedroom, where dreams experience.

Chronic inability to fall asleep or staying asleep, wakingfrequently during the night can lead to:

Memory loss or forgetfulness.
Excessive daytime sleepiness and ongoing
Balance problems
Visual disturbances
Inability to concentrate

Stress Card Loosing sleep another night? The Truth About Sleep and Aging ...
Chronic stress affects sleep and aging. The hormone adrenaline that occurs when you experience stress or anxiety, which lead to your heart, blood pressure be increased, and put your body in a state of heightenedSupervision. This is not the effect you want, when you try to get a good sleep.

Sleep and aging are closely linked with age. Those who experience chronic poor sleep have an increased chance of other health or medical conditions that affect their quality of life as they age. Most of the heath care or medical problems that we experience stress with advancing age are linked. There is a direct correlation between our thoughts, these thoughts and how we react to ourHealth & Wellness.

The truth about sleep and aging, we can get a good night with developing good sleep habits, practice stress management, law and motion. This will lead to a better life and healthier lifestyle.

He stressed more to lose another nights sleep? Then write to let us know what good sleep habits and see if you are currently in place in your life.

Good sleep habits include:
A regular sleep schedule. A stay in a routine, get up andgo to bed at the same time each day, seven days a week
Remain active. Keep your business is a good way to prepare your body to sleep. To enjoy family and friends, leisure activities and volunteer if you get moving.
Enjoy the sun. Sit bright sunlight or light daily for several hours. This will strengthen your sleep / wake.
Go to bed when you feel tired.
A "night" good routine will help you slow down the body and mindPrepare your body for sleep. This "Bedtime" routine you can have a hot bath, listening to soothing music, prayer or meditation.

The button next to a good night's sleep is being practical stress management. Stress, anxiety and fear are the cause of many sleepless nights. Learning to manage stress and anxiety, helps not only help you sleep better, but you can for your overall health benefit of all.
Some strategies to reduce stress, takeare in your daily life:
Realize that the ability to control how you react to your thoughts. Change the way you react to the situation, change their mentality and attitude. to influence your opinion, how you feel. Have to work these ideas are making good idea.
Do you have a sense of humor about things. Do not take life too seriously. If you respond to life situations, try to see things from a different perspective. Work on the things to consider as an opportunity to change how you feelresponse and to improve and get to experience to grow. An example would be, do not think you can sleep. So instead of anxious and concerned about the inability to sleep, work to try to stay awake. Victor Frankel, call the famous psychiatrist, our fear of insomnia, hyper-intention. Our concern has increased about our inability to sleep for a good night strengthens our bodies, we can not sleep. This approach, however paradoxical intention to replace the fear of insomnia before, certainlyalways awake, with the intention not to sleep, sleep you look this good, to be guided.
Learn relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to connect with your heart, to reduce and relieve stress in your life.

The closest approximation to a sleep of success is to eat right. Here are some tips to follow:
Avoid caffeine late in the day
Avoid alcohol before bedtime. You can sleep, disturbed sleep, but laterCycle.
Have a small snack before bed, a glass of warm milk may delay hunger
Eating a small dinner at least four hours prior to retirement. This will help avoid digestive problems.
Limit fluid intake for about two hours before bedtime. This reduces the number of times to wake up out of bed.

The final key to a good night's rest is to remain active. Incorporate physical activity into the day. Walking, swimming, chair exercises also promotea good night's sleep.

Stop it, through another losing sleep mentioned. The truth about sleep and aging is that one can and should wait for a good night's sleep.